Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sailing from Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World by Colin Wells

Sailing from Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World by Colin Wells I'm not really sure how to judge this book. The subtitle and introduction seems to suggest a focus for the book that isn't actually followed in the rest of it.

According to the introduction this is a history of the impact of the Byzantine Empire on its neighbors and successors. This is done through three sections. The West, Islamic world and Slavic peoples. The book itself doesn't actually do this except in one case the West. This is basically a history of the early Renaissance with sketches of major figures and lists of translated works. Not that exciting. The other two sections do layout the history of the People's but it often doesn't have much to do with Byzantium. It's like there's too much background here.

That criticism aside some of the history is quite interesting. I hadn't really come across much on the history of Bulgaria before. Something I'll have to look more into. There's been a lot of research done with reference to recent findings. I just think that the book could have done with a redesign either in scope or in narrative.

Not recommended.

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